Abner Sotenos

Ph.D. Student, History

University of California, San Diego

Edited Volumes

Sotenos, Abner, co-authored with Marcos Luiz Bretas, Jean Sales, & Luiz Edmundo Moraes. História escrita, história vivida: Movimentos sociais, memória e repressão política durante a ditadura militar no Brasil. Lamparina Editora 2019.

Book Articles (Selected)

Sotenos, Abner. Research Notes: The Patterns of the Affected People and the Repressive System Structure in Rio de Janeiro from the Testimonies Given to the Reparation Commission of State of Rio de Janeiro. in J, Sales, M. Bretas, L.E, Moraes & A, Sotenos (eds.). Lamparina Editora 2019. (Introduction).

Sotenos, Abner. Under the Eyes of Repression: Social Movements and the Catholic Church during the Brazilian Dictatorship). In J. Sales & A. Fortes (eds.), A Baixada Fluminense e a Ditadura Militar: Movimentos Sociais, Repressão e Poder Local. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Prismas (2016), 55-92.

Sotenos, Abner. The Razor’s Edge: Popular Social Movements from the Perspective of Social Theory and the Repressive Apparatus during the Political Liberalization in Brazil). In. D. O. da Silveira, I. C. Leite & M. Ayala (eds.), Questões de América Latina Contemporânea: Novos Objetos, Novas Dimensões, Novas Temporalidades. 1. Ed. Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Fino Traço (2016); 85-102.

Sotenos, Abner. Political Spying, Indictments and Political Repression in the Baixada Fluminense: the Catholic Church and “Subversive” Political Movements.]. In J. M. Figueiredo Assis & D. S. Rodrigues (eds.), Cidadania, movimentos sociais e religião: abordagens contemporâneas. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: EdUERJ (2013);

Other Publications

Sotenos, Abner. “We Need to Talk About Racism.” O Dia, June 17, 2020. 

https://odia.ig.com.br/opiniao/2020/06/5931894-abner-francisco-sotenos--precisamos-falar de-racismo.html

Sotenos, Abner and Daniel Pinha. “If George Floyd Was Brazilian? Jornalistas Livres, July 15, 2020. 


Sotenos, Abner. “Expectations of authoritarianism in the 2018 elections in Brazil”. Justificando, September 25, 2018. http://www.justificando.com/2018/09/25/as-expectativas-do-autoritarismo-nas-eleicoes-de-2018/

Manuscripts in Preparation

Abaixo a ditadura: oposição democrática e a atuação do aparato repressivo na Baixada Fluminense nos anos ditatoriais.

Diogo Bercito

Ph.D. Student, History

Georgetown University

Bercito, Diogo. “Can We Be Governed by Someone Who Eats Kibbeh? Lebanese Migrants and Brazilian Politics.” In Arab Worlds Beyond the Middle East and North Africa, edited by Mariam F. Alkazemi and Claudia E. Youakim. Mitchellville: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021.

Bercito, Diogo. “Antoun Saadeh and the Latin-American Mahjar.” Malala 7, no. 10 (2019): 70-80.

Bercito, Diogo. “Understanding the Islamic State Through its Documents.” Malala 5, no. 7 (2017): 68-88.

Letícia Cobra Lima

Ph.D. Candidate, History of Art and Architecture

University of California, Santa Barbara

Cao, Jing and Letícia Cobra Lima. “The Schoolhouse and the Bus.” Art Practical 9.1, February 2018. https://www.artpractical.com/feature/the-schoolhouse-and-the-bus/

Cobra Lima, Letícia. “Pessoas com deficiência e o protagonismo no equipamento cultural brasileiro: uma introdução.” In Arte e Tecnologia: Contribuições para a Educação Estética de Públicos Especiais, ed. Maria Cristina da Rosa Fonseca da Silva (Goiânia: C&A Alfa Comunicação, 2018), 97-112.

Cobra Lima, Letícia. “Arte feminista enquanto prática antagonista.” Revista-Valise v. 4, n. 8 (December 2014), 137-153. https://seer.ufrgs.br/RevistaValise/article/view/45411

Makowiecky, Sandra and Letícia Cobra Lima. “Linda Poll: uma transubstanciação artística do Viver-junto.” In Fragmentos-Construção II: imagem-acontecimento, ed. Sandra Makowiecky and Rosângela Miranda Cherem (Florianópolis: Coan, 2013), 174-186.

Mateus Melo dos Santos

Ph.D. Student, History

University of New Mexico

Santos, Mateus Melo dos. "Bocas que beijam, bocas que falam: Grupo de Teatro Vivencial e masculinidades em Recife e Olinda (1974-1983)." Master's thesis in History, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2018. https://repositorio.ufpe.br/handle/123456789/34647

Tiago J. Fernandes Maranhão

Ph.D., History

Vanderbilt University

Maranhão, Tiago J. “De-Anglicized: Sport and Nationhood in a Transatlantic Brazilian Perspective.” In Brittany Reid & Taylor McKee (Co-eds.), Duelism: Confronting Sport Through Its Doubles. Champaign, IL: Common Ground, 47-60, 2021. https://doi.org/10.18848/978-0-949313-49-2/CGP 

Maranhão, Tiago J. “Estimating a ‘Doctrinal Unity’: Military Biotypology and Physical Education in Brazil, 1919-1939.” Journal of Urban Anthropology special issue Eugenics and Biopolitics, year 8 (15) 30-48, 2020. https://oscarprint.ro/magazin/revista-de-antropologie-urbana-nr-15/#1538053537888-842af6ce-24c47953-557f2e9a-611d 

Maranhão, Tiago J. “Let the Aryanists Know! – Brazilian Race and Nation in the 1938 France World Cup.” Soccer & Society special issue Moments, Metaphors, Memories: Defining Events in the History of Soccer, v. 20 (7-8) 912-922, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1080/14660970.2019.1680492 

Maranhão, Tiago J. Fernandes. “Sportsmen in the Tropics: Institutions, Public Spaces, and Social Relations in Modern Brazil.” The International Journal of Sport and Society 10 (1) 67-80, 2019. https://doi.org/10.18848/2152-7857/CGP/v10i01/67-80 

Knijnik, Jorge & Tiago Fernandes Maranhao. “Futebol Mulato: Racial Constructs in Brazilian football.” Cosmopolitan Civil Societies Journal, v.3, n.2, 55-71, 2011. https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/INFORMIT.016352506800162 

Maranhão, Tiago. “Jogo, Logo Existo: Uma história cultural do football no Recife no início do século XX.” In Giselda Brito & Karl Schurster (Co-eds.), Histórias do Recife – entre narrativas do passado e perspectivas do presente. Rio: Multifoco, 208-225, 2011.

Maranhão, Tiago. “Apollonians and Dionysians: The Role of Football in Gilberto Freyre’s Vision of Brazilian People”. Soccer & Society, v. 8, 510-523, 2007. https://doi.org/10.1080/14660970701440790 

​Maranhão, Tiago. “Apolíneos e Dionisíacos: o papel do futebol no pensamento de Gilberto Freyre a respeito do povo brasileiro.” Análise Social Review, v. XLI, 20-35, 2006. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/ejemplar/170533 

Maranhão, Tiago. “Educating Bodies for the Nation: Schools, Masculinity, and Transnational Knowledge in 19th-Century Brazil.” Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal Special Issue Arts of educating: the emergence and construction of the modern schooling paradigm (mid-18th century - first quarter of the 20th century), 2 (18) p.1-16, Portugal (2022). https://cadernosarquivo.cm-lisboa.pt/index.php/am/article/view/78/55